Tempo estimado: 3 minutos

In March 2020, the IBGE released data showing that 47% of Brazilians are sedentary, that is, they don’t practice any type of sport or physical activity. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), among young people this number reaches 84%.

With the arrival of the Covid-19 pandemic in Brazil, the level of inactivity has been increasing in our country. However, why are physical activities and sports so important? It is not by chance that since we were children we are encouraged to put our bodies in motion, as in physical education classes at school, for example.

Reduce stress

In times of so many economic, social and psychological changes, stress levels tend to increase. One of the best solutions to “calm the nerves” and keep your mind quiet is to play sports. Physical exercises stimulate the production of endorphins, one of the hormones that stimulate feelings of joy and tranquility in our brain. Want to reduce your stress? Start your day with an outdoor run and you will quickly notice the difference.

Improve sleep quality

With more energy expenditure, it is natural for the body to become more tired at the end of the day. It is scientifically proven that people who practice some type of exercise can relax and sleep more easily. In addition, the quality of sleep also improves.

Increase creativity and concentration

The practice of physical exercises develops several cognitive activities in our brain, in addition to increasing the amount of oxygen inside it. For example, during a volleyball game your mind will be constantly functioning and learning, either about your strategies or your movements. This generates an immediate effect in other activities of your day, making your thinking faster, more creative and focused.

Keep your heart and lungs healthy

The heart is also a muscle and, therefore, it needs to be exercised. We increase the health of our heart when we stimulate it to pump more blood and better. This is possible with the increase of the heart rate during physical activities such as plays, running and cycling. In a few months, you will have much more breath and this will also increase your lung and breathing capacity.

Strengthen muscles and bones

When we perform any type of exercise, including walking, our body moves a large number of muscles and bones. With frequent stimulation, these parts of our body are developed with much more focus and quality. The exercises help to build a stronger bone and muscle structure, making your body more resistant and, consequently, less tired.

Improve self-esteem

What many people expect from physical exercise is weight loss and body definition. These are the consequent benefits of healthier routine and constant activities. Self-esteem is positively affected when we take care of ourselves. Even though the process of reaching the “dream body” is long, it is important to remember that your self-esteem and your mind will improve every day.

About 30 minutes of activity a day is enough to seize the benefits mentioned above.

Be it a bike ride, a volleyball game, or soccer with friends, walking on the beach, swimming in the pool or in the sea, yoga, weight training or the exercise you prefer. The important thing is to create this habit and increase your quality of life.

At Passeio Pedra Branca you will find a prepared structure for many of these activities, and the best part, whenever you want it. The Pedra Branca Arena has sand volleyball courts, foot volley, beach tennis, and mountain bike and pump tracks.

Do you want to start a new chapter in your life? Pedra Branca is ready to welcome you. Discover Pátio Civitas and be amazed by the planning, creativity and structure of a building project where every detail has been thought.

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