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Free and interactive online event brings together the new economy most innovative minds

For the second consecutive year, the meeting of the largest digital platforms in the country will be held, the Innovation Experience Conference. The project – which, in this edition, has the official support of ABO2O – Brazilian Online to Offline Association, FECOMERCIOSP and FEA-USP (SciBiz) – will be promoted in a different format: online, free and with interactive transmission.

With sectoral authority, the initiative has the central purpose of fostering an in-depth and broad debate on the main trends, challenges and perspectives for the development of the Digital Economy, bringing content developed by a curatorship of specialists representing entities that are reference in the market.

Taking advantage of this year’s digital model, the initiative aims to foster two other central objectives: first, to democratize access to information, precisely at a time when digitization is proving to be the main channel for economic recovery in the face of the pandemic crisis we face and, second, to stimulate transformation and social impact through donations of optional value by the public for the Glocal accelerator projects, which will use the entire collection to develop innovation projects dedicated to social causes.

The event, which is now open for registration, takes place between November 17, 18 and 19, from 2:30 pm to 10:00 pm, and aims to discuss the innovation and disruption applied to the new digital economy’s multisegment. The expectation is to gather more than 15 thousand people in the three days of the event.

The program already has three big names as main attractions, Thiago Nigro (Primo Rico), Cris Arcangeli (entrepreneur and host of the “Shark Tank” program) and Ivan Moré (television presenter and host of the “Desobediência Produtiva” podcast). In total, more than 100 experts will be brought together to debate innovation and disruption applied to the multi-segments of the new digital economy.

“Technology has undergone countless transformations over the years. The Covid-19 pandemic has further accelerated this process and the digital economy has been primordial in keeping customers connected to services and products during months of social isolation. Today, we live in a new reality among thousands of e-commerce companies, marketplaces, fintechs, among others, and we see that we still have many challenges to be overcome in several areas and discussing new models for digital platforms is crucial for the country development”, says Vitor Magnani, president of the Brazilian Online to Offline Association.

“Innovation Xperience represents the essence of the segment, as it is the result of a year of hard work in which we have been leading all sectoral agendas of the digital economy aimed at debates on public policies, regulations, business, challenges, prospects and solutions. This way, we were able to incorporate these themes with depth and authority in the event’s program. To format this year’s edition, we had the opportunity to democratize access to knowledge, innovate through an interactive platform and implement the O2O concept in the project, presenting to the market a more complete hybrid initiative compared to the large volume of webinars that have already been made available”, adds Marcos Carvalho, General Director of ABO2O.

On the occasion, panels will be distributed over a three-day journey on various subjects such as: entrepreneurship; smart and sustainable cities; online sales; digitization, operations and logistics; fintechs and innovation in financial services; Data Driven and Information Security; customer experience and open innovation. Among those present will be CEOs, great leaders and sectoral authorities who will join the leading experts in innovation, science and business in Brazil to discuss the trends and challenges of a more connected country.

For more information, visit the event website and register here.


Event: Innovation Experience Conference

Free registration:

Days: November 17th to 19th

Hours: 8am to 8pm

About ABO2O:

The Brazilian Online to Offline Association (ABO2O) is an entity that brings together the main platforms of the digital economy, including marketplaces, means of payment and investors. ABO2O exists to represent and defend the collective interests of the collaborative economy and digital platforms. To this end, it seeks to encourage public and private actions that contribute to the development and promotion of these technologies, through articulation with other institutions. Currently, it gathers more than 90 associates, among them: Mercado Livre, 99, GetNinjas, Loggi, Movile, Rappi, Peixe Urbano, Cabify, Hotmart, Zoop, CrediGO, Hash, PayU, 4all, Adiq, PaySmart, Banco Inter, Dr. Consulta, SummUp, Wirecard,, CargoX, Zoom & Buscapé, Monashees, SumUp, banQi, among others.

For more information, visit the website and follow ABO2O on social networks: LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook.

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