The impact of placemaking in a city for people

O impacto do placemaking em uma cidade para pessoas
Tempo estimado: 4 minutos

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Placemaking is a concept that has been gaining ground in discussions in the most diverse spheres of society. But, what is the true impact of this term in a city? In this article, we explain in detail about these projects!

The concept of placemaking was created in the 1980s in the United States. In a free translation into Portuguese, we can use the term as “criação de lugares”. However, the idea goes far beyond something physical.

The placemaking process involves the planning, creation and management of various public places, with one main objective: to stimulate interaction between people, through the creation of meeting and sharing points, such as parks, squares, streets and sidewalks. For over forty years, placemaking has been transforming communities around the world.

Space x place in placemaking

A great curiosity about placemaking is that the projects are not focused at spaces that already exist. Although we often use the words “space” and “place” as synonyms, they can assume different definitions, always according to the context in which they are used.

In placemaking, the aim goes far beyond the transformation or creation of a physical space. The idea of the projects is really to involve all the points that a society may need. Among them are: the sociability of the community, the activities that will be developed there, the easy access for everyone, the connections and bonds generated in different parameters… the junction of these points is what will transform an old space into a truly relevant place for the region.

In summary, placemaking goes far beyond an infrastructure project, but rather a plan to meet the needs, desires and visions of a community. Thus, the involvement of the members becomes truly essential.

Although the concept of placemaking was only established in the 1980s, two decades earlier some authors were already discussing the topic. Names such as Jane Jacobs and William H. Whyte, activist and sociologist, had a vision very directed to the creation of neighborhoods that are more active and with inviting spaces for the pleasant coexistence of the community.

The American culture that conquers the world

In 1975, the Project for Public Spaces (PPS) was founded, an entity that promotes various placemaking initiatives around the world. But it was only in 1990 that the PPS began to better develop its approaches and began to use the term “placemaking” more consciously.

As many investors, engineers, architects, urban planners, sociologists and other roles in society are increasingly interested in placemaking, the Project for Public Spaces has started to effectively help these people. The entity’s main contribution is in the education and creation of materials, as a basis for evaluating the quality of a place or advice to make the place a city for people.

After all, how to evaluate the quality of a place?

Although the placemaking culture is much stronger in the United States, where it was created, it has spread across the world. Today in Brazil, there are already several public spaces that are created consciously and meeting the needs of residents. Therefore, the NGO Placemaking Brasil was also created.

Still following the foundations created by the PPS, today we can assess the quality of a public place based on four main points:

  1. Spaces must be accessible: the level of accessibility in the space must be high, both visually and physically. For example, the highest quality places are on busier streets, with easy access to transportation systems, bike paths and sidewalks. In addition, it is essential to present security and infrastructure for people with some difficulty.
  1. They must be pleasant and beautiful: it is not enough to be a very easy and safe space to reach, to maintain the level of quality it must also be a pleasant place to be. Making a good impression is essential for people to want to be there. Cleanliness, benches, tables and nature are some interesting points to be observed.
  1. Places where people do a specific activity: for a successful placemaking, the place to be planned must have a special function. What activities can the community carry out in the space? Is there already a structure ready for games, sports, reading or relaxation?
  1. And, of course, they are spaces for meetings and diversity: the structure must contain a comfortable and welcoming space, so that the community really has a sense of belonging. Ideally, the place should be one where everyone wants to meet, be and take their friends and family.

All these points were evaluated by the PPs, in several existing public spaces around the world, mainly in the United States. From this, some successes and failures were found in placemaking.

The impact of placemaking in a city for people

But what makes placemaking so important and impactful in a city for people? Precisely the idea of creating a relevant space that really makes a difference in the city. Creating spaces just to create is empty and pointless. However, when there is greater planning, the project becomes part of the city.

And to really bring the impact of placemaking to cities, Projects for PublicSpaces (PPS) has also listed some ways to design vibrant spaces. They are the ones that inspire architects and urban planners around the world, from the point of view of placemaking.

1. Hear the voice of the community;

2. Build a living place, not just a pretty project;

3. Encourage partnerships with schools, museums, clubs and other institutions;

4. Observe the habits of the community that lives there;

5. Start with the basics, but start;

6. Design spaces that encourage interaction;

7. Believing in the potential of the community;

8. Give functions to each part inserted there;

9. Encourage the opening of stores and businesses that drive the economy;

10. Give continuity to the project, because improvements will always exist.

In addition to building a much more living, interactive and engaging city, projects with placemaking principles have the potential to transform the community from the inside out.

Pedra Branca: a city for people

Located in the municipality of Palhoça, in Greater Florianópolis, Cidade Pedra Branca is a project that has ceased to be a dream and has become a reality. We built a place where life happens and diversity sets the tone.

Much more than a real estate project, Pedra Branca was created to bring together a community, with a lot of creativity and good business. Here, everyone can work, study, live and have fun, without long commutes and close to nature.

As we are a connected and creative city, we offer projects of different types, commercial, residential and high standard. Discover the opportunities available in this city for people right now.

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