Pedra Branca 21 years: smart neighborhood–city projects good environmental, social and governance practices

Tempo estimado: 3 minutos

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Over more than two decades building a city for people in the Greater Florianópolis region, Pedra Branca Creative City has established itself as a smart neighborhood-city, a reference in sustainable urban planning.

The project is awarded and recognized as a new landmark in urban developments for the public and private sector, with 7 residential and commercial buildings; more than 8,000 residents and a monthly floating public of 100,000, with a turnover of around R$1 billion annually by the city’s companies. The master plan planning tends to include in 2025 about 30 thousand inhabitants in an area of 1.7 million square meters, generating approximately 15 thousand jobs.

Pedra Branca Creative City pioneered the planning of the first shared street in the country — Passeio Pedra Branca — an open-air mall with more than 50 shopkeepers, where 100,000 people circulate monthly, including residents, students, workers and visitors.

The new compact, dense and connected neighborhood centrality was created from the principles of New Urbanism, with a focus on promoting “walkability”. It has a complete infrastructure, meticulously planned to offer the opportunity to live, work, study, shop and have fun in one place.

Good environmental, social and governance practices adopted by Pedra Branca Creative City

Planned through an innovative multidisciplinary co-creation process (methodology known as Charrette) to build the master plan for Cidade Pedra Branca under the principles of New Urbanism.

Pedra Branca Creative City is a pioneer in implementing the New Urbanism with the aim of creating a neighborhood-city where it is possible to live, work, study and have fun within walking distance.

Marcelo Gomes, President of Pedra Branca Creative City, announces the planned novelties for the next two decades of the project, designed to accommodate 40,000 residents in the neighborhood, including 10,000 students and 30,000 workers.

“The idea is to always improve cities, with the aim of building places for the community to live, work, study and have fun”. Marcelo Gomes, president of Pedra Branca Creative City.

The creator of the smart neighborhood-city reinforces the commitment to adopt good environmental, social and governance practices to promote sustainable development for the next 20 years.

“We believe in a city made for people, open to conviviality and the exchange of ideas. Above all, a place that generates connections between areas, people and new businesses”, reinforces Marcelo.


Designing vibrant public spaces requires investing in environmental practices. Pedra Branca Creative City was born with the aim of becoming a complete and sustainable neighborhood- city. Due to its innovative characteristics and the actions proposed by its creators, the real estate project received international recognition as a pioneer in sustainability by The Clinton Foundation’s Climate Positive Development Program. All residential and commercial developments in Cidade Pedra Branca have sustainable elements, such as: solar heating, thermal protection of terraces and roofs, use of natural ventilation and lighting, management of construction waste and use of less aggressive materials, as well as the use of natural gas.


The projects of Pedra Branca Creative City value the community and are planned based on the practices of New Urbanism.

The development of the projects promotes well-being for the entire community by providing the shared use of spaces and resources for the benefit of comfort, practicality and efficiency. It also has qualified avenues, with trees, street furniture and other public facilities available to residents and visitors to the neighborhood.


The concept of placemaking applied to the development of Pedra Branca Creative City consists of an innovative approach that proposes solutions to rethink the design of urban environments. The urban space is organized in a way that takes advantage of the assets and potential of a local community to strengthen connections between people and the neighborhood, creating attractive and safe public spaces.

Subscription housing

The new concept in the Brazilian real estate sector transforms housing into a service. This format makes rental properties more flexible. An example of an enterprise that adopts this modality is Atrium Studios, studios for accommodation. Pedra Branca Group has partnered with Proptech Xtay to transform a commercial development into studios for accommodation, operating units in the Atrium building integrated with Passeio Pedra Branca, located at Rua Jair Hamms, 38.

Discover the real estate developments available in Pedra Branca Creative City and come live in a city for people.

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